
This is the official website of FEFNA, promoting public awareness, education and research about the Feldenkrais Method. This is the place to donate to foster FEFNA’s mission and aims.

Donations of any amount support the work of FEFNA and are welcome and appreciated. Donations can be made online. As a 501C3, donations to FEFNA are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the IRS. Monetary donations in any amount can be made into any of these funds.

Leave your legacy

Are you interested in including FEFNA in your will? Please contact us.

As a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the Feldenkrais® Educational Foundation of North America (FEFNA) can be designated as the recipient of a specific planned monetary bequest leaving a personal legacy in support of the FEFNA Mission Statement.

  • FEFNA may publicly acknowledge a bequeathed donation or respect the donor’s request for anonymity. This must be clearly defined in the bequest.
  • Bequests made to a specific fund that is no longer in existence at the time of disbursement will be deposited into the FEFNA unrestricted general fund.
  • FEFNA may be listed as a beneficiary to receive a planned monetary gift from a benefactor’s Will, life insurance, irrevocable or revocable trusts, or charitable annuities.
  • Bequests of real property can not be accepted at this time.