Welcome to the Feldenkrais Educational Foundation of North America (FEFNA) page devoted to information on research about the Feldenkrais Method.
This includes the
- Social and scientific impact of the Method
- Application of the Method in human development and neuroscience
- The relationship of the human function to the environment
- Qualitative, quantitative, and anecdotal research
Resources from the International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF)
The International Feldenkrais Federation has published journals for the 6 editions for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2006, and 2018-19. Each edition has from 10 to 21 articles from international contributors.
There are over 500 articles, including journal articles, book chapters, PhD theses and curated collections. There is a search capability.
Subscribe to IFF Research Updates
Sign up and receive updates from the IFF Research Working Group about public events, new surveys and developments in the field of researching the Feldenkrais Method.
Selected Research Articles on the Feldenkrais Method
We’ve selected four articles that provide a sample of research covering different points of interest regarding the efficacy of the Feldenkrais Method.
1. Health-related Outcomes of the Feldenkrais Method in Children and Adults: State of the Art and Future Perspectives A one-page overview of research studies presented in an easy-to-read format with graphs and pictures.
2. The Effectiveness of the Feldenkrais Method: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. A classic and scholarly paper which gives a more in-depth discussion of research studies on the efficacy of the Feldenkrais Method.
3. Feldenkrais Movement Lessons Improve Older Adults’ Awareness, Comfort, and Function. A study of the effects of 12 Awareness Through Movement® lessons on older adults using both quantitative measures and the participants’ subjective opinions of change.
4. Feldenkrais Method and functionality in Parkinson’s disease: a randomized controlled clinical trial. A study of the effects of 50 sessions of a Feldenkrais® based exercise program on 30 participants with Parkinson’s, with functional measures done before and after.
This link goes to 79 articles within PubMed found using the search term Feldenkrais. PubMed is a free search engine accessing primarily the MEDLINE database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics. The United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health maintains the database as part of the Entrez system of information retrieval.
These approximately 259 articles have been compiled and are being maintained by Feldenkrais® Practitioner Sue Seto. Each article has a one paragraph description. Time frame is from the 1990’s until 2018. Criteria have generally included articles with active links, and free access. Simply click this link to access the following categories:
- About the Feldenkrais Method
- Improving Well Being – This category includes Chronic Pain, Neurological Challenges, Aging Well and More.
- Peak Performance – The Performing Arts, Athletics and the Martial Arts
Feldenkrais Access
Feldenkrais Access’ free Article Archive is a growing archive that houses 370+ Feldenkrais-related articles published over the last fifty-eight years. Topics include Moshe Feldenkrais, interviews with Moshe’s earliest students, case studies, research, general health, chronic pain, and back pain. We have special sections for actors, dancers, musicians, and the general public. For Spanish speakers, there are over a dozen translated articles.
Esther Thelen Research Fund
This fund awards grants for research about infant developmental processes from a dynamic systems theoretical perspective that leads to improved movement, coordination and cognition.